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Old 07-21-2014, 04:24 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Havens78 View Post
Is it worth it? That is a loaded question, but let me ask you another one. What is 20% improvement worth to you? is it worth 4-6 months of trial and error in tuning your vehicle? 30 hours of installation time? $1500 to $2000 in parts? That is what i've found to be more true on some vehicles, every vehicle is different and has to be treated as such. There is no one kit fits all and a $400 dollar kit won't do it, if its cheap there is a reason.
You haven't presented evidence, you've stated that you're a participant in some shady organization you won't name, have generated data you won't share because it's necessarily kept secrets, but the necessities aren't described.

Is it worth it: without the data you and your organization generated, how can I know? My hunch is that it will never be worth it. If it were, almost any dollar amount up to the original purchase price of the car would be reasonable. I tend to keep cars for decades and drive hundreds of thousands of miles; if I can double a vehicle's fuel economy the savings would be very large indeed. But I don't think HHO has that capacity.

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