Trip to the Dentist this morning in the Fiesta. Got in the tail end of the morning rush hour. Hit 55 MPG after 4 miles when I got on 64 east. Lots of traffic, enough to slow things down to 60 MPH in the right lane (speed limit 65). Coasting downhill at every opportunity with a big rig in front of me. By the time I exited the road coasting up the off ramp, I hit my peak mileage at 64.7. On the way home I managed to keep it above 60 almost the whole way. When I got home it was still at 61.2, a new record for me on that trip I take 3 times a year.
This tank at around 200 miles is still above 600 total estimated range (actually 613). Last tank was 52+ average, this one looks better so far.
edit-added a cell phone photo of my homebound drafting partner, some really BIG logs!
Last edited by user removed; 07-22-2014 at 10:14 PM..