Small update:

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I've done a bit of smoothing, and I've got a bit of puzzle about process. I need to fiberglass the 'A' pillars to stiffen them (there is a fair bit of flex side-to-side in particular). I need to cut more on the firewall to fit the wiper motor, but this will cause more flex at the bottom. I will be able to rebuild the firewall with foam, but that requires I get inside the car. To get inside the car, I need to fiberglass the bottom. To fiberglass the bottom, I have to glue the nose on. And, the roof must be stronger, so I gotta fiberglass the top. To fiberglass the top, I have to smooth it more (the scarred edges of the repair in particular). When I glue the nose on, the car will be longer, and the garage will have to have stuff moved out - in order to close the doors.
I think I will have to fiberglass just the center of the 'A' pillars, and leave fabric to wrap around it - after I cut the windshield recess. That has to be wide enough to accept all the layers of fiberglass needed to make it rigid (enough). I think I have to err on the side of making it a bit wider than I think it will be (for 3 layers, or 4 layers, etc.) and if I have more space, an additional layer can be added to get it right. I will have to wait to cut the first side window until the underside is done, and maybe the sides.
And of course, the garage addition needs to get going *any time*. That comes to finances ... there is never enough money! We have a particularly urgent repair to our main bathroom in the house. Naturally. So, I am doing work as I can.