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Old 07-26-2014, 10:07 PM   #304 (permalink)
Weather Spotter
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Max - '14 Ford C-Max SEL
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I did the volt last week, it was a fun all electric car but seemed to have too many buttons and "extras" data overload and hard to find things like the park-drive indications. tying to hypermile it gave no indication of KW used just a 250MPG+ that did not change till the gas came on, then the car was a typical GM car......

If I only needed 50 miles in the winter (MI here it gets cold) then the leaf is a great car D) summer I could get 100 miles out of it no problem, it actively helps you hyper mile and eak out range.

the Prius is a good common hypermiler's car, its hard not to in that car but 50 MPG is just low for what i am use too, to justify a different car would require more then 65 MPG..... the Elio looks like a good car if it ever comes out..... and keep the matrix for trailer use. to trailer i would have to remove the tail or modify it for an extended hitch or to have it not come down as far as it does now...

Right now I am no rush to change cars.... unless someone makes me a great offer.

To help make the car more useable now until i can get an elio i want to have a trailer option.
So any ideas on how to make the trailer hitch useable and keep the tail?
what i have considered:
1. remove tail (has some issues)
2. add a hitch extension option that moves the ball 4' back (long turning)
3. modify to accommodate trailer
4. some combo?
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