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Old 07-29-2014, 12:47 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Hey Bob,

When you say "Acme adapter," the only thing that goes through my mind are hundreds and hundreds of cartoon coyotes going kaboom against a yellow cartoon sky.

It doesn't sound like you're planning on putting much weight on your ersatz travel trailer, so I think virtually any vehicle with a tow rating of any kind will be up to the job. I wonder if you would consider a smaller tent that could fit on a smaller - particularly narrower - trailer that would tuck completely behind your tow vehicle? Or if not a smaller tent, then still consider the smaller trailer, but add flip-over floor sections to allow it to be wider while serving as your tent's floor, and then fold up to convenient, thrifty compactness for on the road.

BamZipPow's grating tendency to spell for as "fer" notwithstanding, he seems to be having excellent results building a trailer with closer panels to seal up the gap between vehicle and trailer. Of course his is a very compact single wheel trailer that is laterally rigid on the rear bumper, but just as a for-instance a rig like that, with a flip-over floor, could be an impressive boat tail while rolling for whatever you come up with.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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