The labor costs are pretty big, since the gas tank has to be dropped out of the car. And it's not a DIY thing if your not good with a car. I can ask my dad tomorrow and see what he estimates the labor on the fuel sending unit it, he's a 20+ year ASE mechanic
These guys know more about the scan gauge then I, but I don't think it uses the readings from the sending unit. I would get the sending unit fixed if it was really off. Kinda helps to know how much gas you have, lol.
Lets see how far it can go
"All I know about music is that not many people ever really hear it. [...] But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for the same reason. And his triumph, when he triumphs, is ours." -Sonny's Blues