Originally Posted by sarguy01
Radar detectors don't always detect as they should. Also, in Virginia, they are illegal.
ROTFL!!! That's why Virginia made them illegal. Because they DO work. Also, the law is unconstitutional. You have a right to receive radio signals, and a radar detector is basically a signal receiver. All the other states that had such laws "saw the handwriting on the wall" and repealed them. I recall reading that the reason why they are still illegal in Virginia is because every time a legal challenge is brought by a lawyer, the courts drop the citation for the detector, so that their law remains on the books and not struck down by a higher court.
I won't be moving to Virginia - ever, due to things like this. Not that I speed very often, but living in a police state doesn't appeal to me.
As Ecomodders, we really don't need to... (etc.)
That does sound a bit preachy, doesn't it? I guess I'm not a devout ecomodder...