Originally Posted by JeffM
Greg, Alan and Fred are pretty close. Last May Fred's mileage was 149.68 mpg over a 116 mile course and Alan achieved 144.28 mpg.
I get what you are saying about diesel vs. gas but I think I'd rather ride Alan's bike over a longer distance vs. Fred's. Alan's looks much more comfortable.

After seeing these rides in real life, and no disrespect to Alan, Vic, or Craig, but Fred's streamliner is much better as a home-made, modified vehicle, from a quality and fit and finish standpoint. It wins best-looking streamliner by any measure. Additionally, one can sit up and still feel like he or she is riding a MC. One other thing I noticed was that my torquier 670 and Fred's two torquier diesels, when I was up there with them just behind the Harleys leading,, we didn't drop off or slow our speed whatsoever up the hills. Together, when it was our three rides up front, there would be some separation between us and them each time. Not alot but a few hundred yards or so. The 250s would slow ever so slightly in the natural lag caused by increasing throttle input, and waiting on the power response. A natural occurance in vehicles that get torque @ higher RPM. Me and the diesels though, we just trucked right up w/o our power trains even detecting a difference. I think that's a positive attribute. A more refined riding experience. To say that Alan and Fred are close fuel economy wise, that is true, but Fred's diesel is much more capable when he needs it or wants it to be with 31 hp and 35 peak foot lbs of torque at the wheel.