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Old 08-12-2014, 09:43 PM   #16 (permalink)
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I rarely find much on Autotrader...

Here's a late C4 you could probably get for $5000:
1991 corvette

I was thinking GTO as much for the interior quality and comfort as much as the performance, but finding one in your price range is unlikely. Maybe worth a check though if you find CTSs. I wouldn't expect those either.

I would eliminate Audi from your list for the same reasons as Chrysler...

Seems like you keep falling back on BMWs and Mercedes. For RWD, manual, MoreDoor luxury cars, they will be the most prolific. I'd keep looking for an IS too. May be a needle in the haystack, but I'd prefer one over the European cars.
Haggle and sell off the wheels and maybe get it in your budget?

Oh, change your search to $5500 and under. You can almost always knock off 10%...
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2001 Civic HX Mods


2003 Silverado Mods
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