I took the Civic around the city route I've been using for
eco-driving coaching today. No super-aggressive techniques used, but EOC wherever practical, and a couple of pulses where there was a chance for long coasts ahead and nobody close behind.
51 mpg (US) = 4.6 L/100 km. (That's on an uncalibrated SG.) UPDATE: now calibrated, it's 10% off, so ~45 mpg (US).
As it turns out, I've had two 1.8L manual shift Civics on this route before. The last time I went out with Phil in his
'07 Civic 5MT on the same route, we saw a best score of 40 mpg US (no engine-off coasting).
And in an
'09 Civic: 39 mpg US. So EOC in my '07 is good for roughly a 25% bump on this route.
Still can't touch the Firefly/Metro though: I took it out for comparison right afterward and saw 74 mpg.