you said: "Do you honestly believe all these posts of rediculous mpg s. You really think every one of them is 1 truthful 2 honest 3 accurate , sorry But I find it rarher hard to believe . So if it was to be true why have they not made the attempt to prove it with a reputable third party that can document it. You know dyno accurately measure volume of fuel that sort of thing because frankly fuel logs are proof of what some ones word not facts."
so much little time......
1.) how do you use a dyno to prove aerodynamic improvements? You don't use dyno to check mpg.
2. soooooo, we are supposed to believe you.......who has no facts, as opposed to posters who document and prove what they say?
3. Do you even know what a-b-a testing is?
4. I can think of at least 3 posters who documented a-b-a testing and DID NOT get the result they were looking for. or maybe they were lying to keep their success a secret....