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Old 07-15-2008, 05:15 AM   #69 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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(Ok first post, here goes)

I liked reading about the AXP all over the net, the quest for a 100mpg car is exciting. The pages on that guys 95mpg Honda is also impressive (all it took was a little money and a heap of ingenuity). Now for what I believe the automakers should do.

My new car list for automakers:

1. Make new cars this shape:

Like this:

Originally posted by "MetroMPG" Here
or This:

Originally posted by "Cd" Here

2. Make sure they have a Cd of 1.9 or less.
Not easy to be sure, oh wait, it is. The AeroCivic did it for $400. However all cars would tend to look alike. All like the perfect shape. Accept it, embrace it. It is the perfect shape. I don't think anyone can patent that shape or sue you for making your car more perfect, and somehow closer to theirs in appearance.

3. Allow the driver to pick their gears in the automatic, or make a manual option.

4. Do all you have to in order to make it pass safety regulations, if that makes it weigh more, :sigh: oh well.

5. Make use of your data on its torque curve and make the last gear have just enough torque to overcome your Cd for 60mph.
This one is a little confusing. What I mean is so that traveling at 60 in last gear, the engine will only be producing enough power to overcome their Cd so they can maintain that speed. Putting the engine at the lowest RPM to maintain that speed, therefore very efficient.

6. Must be able to hold 4 or 5 passengers.
Car pooling, anyone?

7. Use off the shelf parts where appropriate.
If the smallest engine your company makes is a 2.0L, then use it. However if people actually buy the car, consider research and development for smaller engines in next years model. If your research and development team can easily churn out a nice 1.4L in a few months notice for this years model, good for you, do it.

I can't really think of anything else right now.

If a car maker can satisfy all those things.

1. The car doesn't need to cost more then 15k.
2. None can rightly say the automakers are doing nothing.
3. All their cars should easily get 40mpg or better. Even if with safety equipment they weigh in at over 3500lbs. (Seriously guys, if $400 can turn an old Honda into a 1.7 Cd monster, why cant a new 15k car do it!?)
4. They will sell like hot cakes when they can rightfully tote mpg ratings of 50mpg or more and cost only 15k.

Anyway, this is my first post, and a rant. Sorry for that. I should have softened it with more pictures LOL. If we could all ride bikes, now that is a way to travel, but since that is unsafe... why does the car need to be so un-intuitive?

Yours Sincerely,
Userdoubleo ~ My online name <(^^ , <)

Last edited by userdoubleo; 07-15-2008 at 05:29 AM..
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