crx skirts
thanks CerxCerx I made a couple of brackets or shape plates out of old cyclone fence stayes not to thick and they are galvanized i can weld a bracket /clamp on ethier side I have a panel of a spray paint booth that was already cut on, it is mabe .18 or thinner was going to try to use that tommorrow but I will probbably save that for the sun roof elimination, I cut a cardboard template for right side and clamped it up there it is going to look sweet, does any one sell after market ready made skirts I want it to look as if it were an option, I am ok with my mig welder but dont know how the sheet metel is going to fight me on the convex simi teardrop that it is turning out to be, I am not looking foward to doing the sun roof, but thanks for the info looking forward to the other pictures.