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Old 06-24-2008, 08:15 AM   #11 (permalink)
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"Whitey" Bulger - '14 Toyota RAV4 LE
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How about posting some nice close up pics of the details.. Paint job? Mounting hardware?


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Old 06-24-2008, 01:04 PM   #12 (permalink)
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From the pictures they look great, and I look forward to reading about mpg improvements.

I want to build a set fot the rear of my '96 Geo Metro, but here is my delemma... I'm a fit-n-finish guy (it's my personal flaw, not anyone elses). I don't think I would personally be happy using Corrolast. I want something that looks alittle more factory, and want to attach them with countersunk Dzus buttons.

I know, I know, it's just me, but what can I say, I was a machnist for 13 years, and have built several race cars, one of which won it's class at the Grand National Roadster Show in 2003. So it's me, my disease that I try to live with it... LOL

So what advice would you give me regarding making my own skirts? Like you, I also dislike working fiberglass. If I knew someone with an English Wheel, I might try my hand at metal forming a set from .09" thk 5052 aluminum. I have also used luan door skins and epoxy in boat work, which might be an option (See the book 'Instant Boats' by Harold Payson or google 'stich-n-glue method' regarding small boats) but that might require I first build two 'body buck's to get compound curves like my wheel openings will need. Is it possible to heat form PVC or acrylic sheet with a heat gun to hand form it, then sand to shape and paint?
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:07 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Little Red - '12 Toyota Prius c 2 Two
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"Whitey" Bulger - '14 Toyota RAV4 LE
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Yeah, it just might be a flaw that a lot of us have. I got over it years ago, when I realized that life was too short to be spending my weekend spare time washing and waxing my brand new $2,000 Ford Maverick.

You might want to check around to the local speed & body shops and see
what they would charge to fab you some skirts. In raw metal maybe, so you could do the painting..?.
It might end up being less than DIY, if you have to buy specialized tools
and components.

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Old 07-14-2008, 06:14 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by metromizer View Post
From the pictures they look great, and I look forward to reading about mpg improvements.

I want to build a set fot the rear of my '96 Geo Metro, but here is my delemma... I'm a fit-n-finish guy (it's my personal flaw, not anyone elses). I don't think I would personally be happy using Corrolast. I want something that looks alittle more factory, and want to attach them with countersunk Dzus buttons.

I know, I know, it's just me, but what can I say, I was a machnist for 13 years, and have built several race cars, one of which won it's class at the Grand National Roadster Show in 2003. So it's me, my disease that I try to live with it... LOL

So what advice would you give me regarding making my own skirts? Like you, I also dislike working fiberglass. If I knew someone with an English Wheel, I might try my hand at metal forming a set from .09" thk 5052 aluminum. I have also used luan door skins and epoxy in boat work, which might be an option (See the book 'Instant Boats' by Harold Payson or google 'stich-n-glue method' regarding small boats) but that might require I first build two 'body buck's to get compound curves like my wheel openings will need. Is it possible to heat form PVC or acrylic sheet with a heat gun to hand form it, then sand to shape and paint?
Update re coroplast fender skirts...........coroplast is a base for the real finish, will post pix when i am through with the other mods that i am completeing...........i too want a quality finish as you will see........
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Old 07-14-2008, 07:59 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by crexcrex View Post
Update re coroplast fender skirts...........coroplast is a base for the real finish, will post pix when i am through with the other mods that i am completeing...........i too want a quality finish as you will see........
Hi I like the skirts are the trimm pieces painted in on the corogated plastic versions thanks I have a 88 crx hf stock and it is white also I am going to make some too let me Know how your permanante ones turn out Also what is the best/ cheapest way to eliminate a sun roof it causes a lot of wind noise and it has to be heavy thanks
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Old 07-14-2008, 09:57 PM   #16 (permalink)
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crexcerx will you load some more pic on how you made the crx skirts with the trim and molding to match,It would look great with some racing "pizzas" or better yet with some stock insight rims and high roller tires let me know, I have been all day over on andrew j project,
I read his whole preject from feb or so till today, wow
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Old 07-15-2008, 04:15 AM   #17 (permalink)
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crx skirts

here is the scoop on crx skirts, the coroplast is nothing more than a temp plate of the real thing.

The idea of coroplast is to make a temp plate, i have run the car with painted on mouldings mainly to see how effective the skirts are. I have done the shaping of abs and pvc and the application of heat tends to buckle the material. Fiberglass? i would say that it literally sucks as it is dirty and heavy and is not what i wanted.

Make a coroplast skirt exactly to the demensions that you want and set the holes or whatever you decide in position. On the crx rather than go over the mouldings i have cut them so the skirt fits below the cut mouldings and in that way you can also add a real moulding over the skirt.

Now that you have a template drop in at a plastic shop and get the thinnest abs they have which is super flexible be it white or black, my preference is white as white even though painted over will deflect heat, black absorbs.

Set the coroplast on top and crimp the bottom and draw the pattern about one inch over the original size. Make sure to crimp the bottom first do it with duck bill vice grips as you want a straight line. Get a good quality hot glue gun and glue the botom first, flex the skirt in a arch as you glue it in position. Glue the coroplast to the abs about 12 inches at the time and press it in position till the hot glue cools and continue till you are through.
If you want the plastic to conform to the body shape crimp the entire arch.

I apologize if the instructions seem complicated but it is pretty simple and basic.
Now let's see if i can get a few pix on there now!
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:21 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Thumbs up crx skirts

thanks CerxCerx I made a couple of brackets or shape plates out of old cyclone fence stayes not to thick and they are galvanized i can weld a bracket /clamp on ethier side I have a panel of a spray paint booth that was already cut on, it is mabe .18 or thinner was going to try to use that tommorrow but I will probbably save that for the sun roof elimination, I cut a cardboard template for right side and clamped it up there it is going to look sweet, does any one sell after market ready made skirts I want it to look as if it were an option, I am ok with my mig welder but dont know how the sheet metel is going to fight me on the convex simi teardrop that it is turning out to be, I am not looking foward to doing the sun roof, but thanks for the info looking forward to the other pictures.
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:42 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Trying to reduce the jpegs and not doing well............will get the girlfriend to reduce them and get them online. Trust me the skirts will look factory as for factory skirts i know of none................

Sunroof? a snap to do have a few art projects to do by then i will have completed the sunroof which will be posted...............am running behind as i have done the vortex generators and customized the mirrors, side mirrors which will be of interest as they are aerodynamic.
re the metal skirts, you may well regret metal skirts because the rear bumper is meant to flex and move forward one small bump and your skirt will buckle......which explains why i am using plastics.

Whatever you decide the choice is yours..........
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Old 07-15-2008, 06:22 AM   #20 (permalink)
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crx laminated plastic skirts

Click image for larger version

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Views:	136
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ID:	1168

Click image for larger version

Name:	jse_laminated_skirt.jpg
Views:	146
Size:	76.4 KB
ID:	1169

Name:  jst_hpim1383.jpg
Views: 359
Size:  3.0 KB

a bit small but will try again re pix...............before you weld galvanized steel think again the fumes are toxic................sunroof you can use the existing sunroof metal...remove hardware clamp sunroof edges into place tack and mig, grind and fill etc
Good luck

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aerodynamics, crx, honda, wheel skirts

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