I thought this motor had been lost! It was hidden in a box buried in a corner of my shop.
I had just sort of given up on it. Like maybe it was left in my mother in laws garage (I know I left one motor up there), but I didn't see it the last time I was up there. I figured it had been thrown out.
Could I get 6-8 times the full load current for 10 seconds? I think I'll wrap the LEM 300 current sensor a few times to reduce the 300 down to maybe 100 (3 wraps). The reason I had gotten LEM 300's was because I wanted the hardware overcurrent to trip at 600amp (well suited to the IGBTs), and I was concerned about the hardware overcurrent tripping when the motors were in a stalled state. They make a LEM 50, but then the hardware overcurrent trip would be at 100amp. And I was thinking that if it's supposed to be more powerful than the 144v 500amp DC controller, then it better be at least 288vDC input, with 300amp per phase (since the IGBTs can handle that). Now I'm seeing all these AC motors that weigh 5 gazillion pounds, that are rated for like 20 amps. Are we stuck with AC motors whose peak power is much lower than 100kW if you want to actually fit it in a car?
Here's the golf cart model: