Originally Posted by SilverCrown9701
Hello folks!
I recently acquired an UltraGauge for my 2001 Toyota Camry.
The online manual is a bit perplexing regarding calibration so I wanted to ask those who own an UltraGauge if they could give me simple step by step instructions on calibration and efficient setup.
Also, Which gauges should I display to best benefit me in increasing my fuel economy?
To name a few.....
-Instant MPG
-Average MPG
-Average Gallon Per hour
-Instant Gallons Per Hour
-Load %
-Thottle Position
-Distance to Empty
-Fuel Level
-Instant Trip MPG
-Average Trip MPG
-Instant Short Trip MPG
-Average Short Trip MPG
There are two things to calibrate, distance and fuel.
For distance, see if you can find a freeway with an odometer calibration area (Usually five miles precisely measured to compare your odometer against). Reset your trip miles at 0. At 5 miles, your trip miles should read 5.0. If they don't, you can adjust the correction factor to make the recorded miles match the miles actually driven.
If your odometer on your dash is accurate, you shouldn't need to adjust this. Both get this info from the same sensor and should match exactly. If you have non-stock tires, it may be an issue.
For fuel, fill up your tank reset your Ave MPG. Drive. When it's time to refill, fill the tank all the way. You can adjust the correction factor to make the recorded fuel used match the fuel actually pumped into your tank.
Here's my current screen:

The O2 sensor is to let me know when I enter lean burn mode, so you won't need that.
Instant MPG, Trip MPG, and Engine Load I find most useful.
MPH is there because my speedo is off a little.
I have all trip related info (Trip MPH, distance to empty, Fuel, etc) on my second screen. And gauges that I periodically want to look at (coolant temp, RPM, intake temp, miles since last service, I forget what else) on the third screen. Most of the time I drive with just the one screen on and don't flip to the others.
I do have alarms set for a few things that might concern me. The biggest being coolant temp. Any time it gets over 208°F, it beeps at me.