Nobody's perfect, but some companies will admit their mistakes rather than stick the customer. For example MAZDA has been helping owners of their "SkyActive Diesel" engines to provide free repairs. They know there's an engineering flaw, so they are eating the cost themselves.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Sorry, but while I don't know the details on most of those, and am hardly a fan of car companies, from what I read it often appears to be a case of the car company taking the blame for customer stupidity.
If the customer visits the dealer every 7000 miles for oil change/service, and the engine still turns the oil from liquid-to-gel, which causes it to die after just 30,000 miles....... how it that the customer's fault?!?!?
Yes sometimes it is customer neglect
Othertimes it is ENGINEERS that frakked up.
Engineers are humans too and not flawless. In that engine case, they made it run too hot so it died prematurely. That alone doesn't make the car company bad..... it was their response to tell customers "Warranty void" (and sticking customers with a $7000 bill) even when customers & dealers said the engine was faithfully maintained/oil changed.
What about the story of Boeing planes having lithium batteries catch fire? Customer fault? No. Poor design. Or planes with cargo doors popping off & making the plane crash? Customer fault? No. Poor design.