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Old 08-29-2014, 02:20 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Actually the lawsuit revealed that the engine ran too hot. Design flaw..... which is okay but Toyota should not have voided warranties. They should have said, "Yeah we made a mistake," but roughly a decade passed before they finally admitted it. Piss-poor customer service.
Originally Posted by Vman455 View Post
I might be reading that wrong, but it doesn't sound like Toyota told its customers to stick it
Well that's exactly what Toyota did from 1998 through 2006. Many many customers had their engine warranties Voided & they were forced to buy a whole new engine ($7000 cost) with their own money. That's ridiculous since some of the engines were as young as 20,000 miles (and had been serviced routinely by the dealer).

The ONLY reason Toyota changed its mind is because it found itself sued by ~20 different States in the class action lawsuit. The governments got fedup with how Toyota was selling new cars/trucks that died prematurely & then voiding the warranty (and leaving customers with 2-3 year old cars that were broken).

More recently Toyota found itself FINED by the U.S. government for how it failed to honor warranties (or forthrightly answer safety questions from the FTC).


Last edited by theaveng; 08-29-2014 at 04:32 AM..
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