Originally Posted by BabyDiesel
Y'all are awesome! The feedback is great and I truly appreciate it
Balto - What's up, dawg?! Lol. I see your point and I am taking it into consideration. Though I lose 3-4 mpg going from 50ish to 55 Might start speeding up when I see a vehicle approaching. After they're gone --->
Thank all of y'all for the encouragement and for the explanations :thumb up: hopefully this thread will not only help me, but other ones that are starting to drive smarter and seeing the madness like me.
New personal style of driving - be in mode when applicable. P & G when it is safe. Increase speed to at least the speed limit when traffic demands. Make them pass you if possible & safe. And engage your mind while behind the wheel!
Woof Woof. Just also remember this, some people WILL NOT pass you. Even if you provide an opportunity for them to pass. They expect you to obide by THEIR rules at all times. These are the people you will have to cope with in your own way. I have a 4100 lumen flashlight for such people.