Originally Posted by niky
The engine DID run too hot... again... because of changes made to meet emissions. But in normal use, it shouldn't have been a problem. It's a combination of the heat, long service intervals and missed intervals that made it an issue.
I know several people who've had varnish and sludge issues with the ZZ engines.
Of course, they should have honored warranties for those who followed their recommended intervals. There's no argument there.
What is "normal use"? Does one live in the city or in a rural area? That makes a big difference between whether the vehicle is subject to severe use or mild use in daily driving.
They don't tell you this in the owner's manual.
Besides which, no manufacturer wants you to keep your car for any longer than the warranty period. The product is supposed to last for only that long, so that they can then sell you another one, the sooner the better. That's the way the game is played. Even if the car is perfect and has no design flaws, they hope you will become tired of it and throw it away (AKA trade it in) and buy a new one - for one of the same brand, of course.
C'mon, be a sport. Play the game by their rules. It benefits the world economy.
Now ask yourself, before you buy
anything again - how does it benefit YOU?