I like this idea - I was planning on something like this - a three-phase rectifier for that rev 0.1 controller. I've found BIG diodes in the SOT-227 format. They're available as a pair in both parallel or apposing orientation.
My only problem is some sort of pre-charge circuit. That big fat ring capacitor has virtually no impedance, and some of those diodes (if you get Silicon Carbide) have virtually none. That's all well and good when the capacitor is at operating voltage. However, I'd hate to see what happens if the capacitor was a 0V.
Perhaps some precharge circuit using a much smaller rectifier, a lot of resistance, and a sensor that can turn on a contactor for the big rectifier when the voltage is right? Or am I missing something important?
Originally Posted by freebeard
Edit: Will it be possible to drive one of Paul's controllers from 120v or 240v mains power, at a bench dynamometer?
Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Ya, but you would need a rectifier. The capacitor filter is already there. A big fat 600v 1000uf ring cap.