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Old 07-15-2008, 07:56 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by atomicradish View Post
That would be nice, but would the XFi engine and tranny even be capable of pulling the Yaris out of its tracks?
The bigger question in some circles, namely, my racing buddies "can the metro pull itself out of it's own tracks?" LOL

Seriously, I was talking about this whole 'engine swap' idea with a friend the other day. Seems it's just impracticle foe most pepole to pull off these days. When I was 16, I shoehorned a 400cc engine into a 250cc bike. At 17, I squeezed a 327cu in Chevy into the engine bay of a '71 Chevy Vega. But those were carburated vehicles, when the Vega had very modest smog equipment requirements. These days, a TDI or VW Lupo engined Miata would make a fun little sportscar, a metro engine and trans in just about anything would be great. But the computer controls add a whole new dimension and level of complexity to such a project. Then you have the state emissions test to get by every other year in California...

It's too bad, because these days, young guys (and gals) have real limited oportunities to learn while working on their cars.
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