Originally Posted by e*clipse
Hi Dave!
A quick question about the spikes - they don't show up in the oscilloscope plots, even if I speed up the scope to where I see only part of the waveform. This shows up in the spectrum analyzer. How does that work? Am I getting paranoid about something that is barely visible? Then, at the resolver's zero crossings, there's a bunch of crap. Seriously crap - I don't know a better way to describe it. If I use my signal generator for a resolver input, it goes smoothly to zero, so I'm guessing it's not the resolver.  From what I can see, there are no odd shifts or other hints that something's wrong at the zero crossing.
- E*clipse
If you use .001 next to the .1 or .01 it captures high frequency pulses.. the power bus lines should also include 10 mfd and 40 mfd and even 100 - 200 mfd to stabilize the power lines as your signal generator provides... I overdo the power buses always. I have had some circuits take a bit to power down from all the caps