Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Anyone want to bet that correcting the fan flow corrects the overheating problem? Give me your odds.
Hopefully the overpressured pressure tester and the overheating did not cause any more problems.
From following this thread for so long, im going to say this case is closed. Im highly confident this is the issue. Probably why the previous owner got rid of it, he couldn't figure out why it was overheating.
I don't think the overheating has caused any problems. My intrepid, all aluminum 3.2 v6, had run out of coolant once from a leaking radiator, and a few years later ran at 220-230 for about a month and finally as high as 245 for maybe 2 days before I fixed it. Ran fine for another 4 years later until I sold it a few months ago.