Originally Posted by digital rules
I am the man who questions everything.
You looked on the internet, and you found "universal recommendation" there.
This brings to mind the old adage of "It MUST be true. I read it on the internet!"
That aside, now consider this question: before the internet existed, cars ran on antifreeze/coolant mixed with plain, tap water, with no problems from that. I've been doing that for 40 years or so. Two of my cars are over 20 years old, still run reliably and are roadworthy.
I assume you are young and believe what you read without questioning; but regardless - do you think that the tap water, mixed to dilute the formerly, only available, concentrated anti-freeze is in any way detrimental to the cooling system or the engine? Or do you accept the theory of it being somehow detrimental on "universal" belief?
Question #2: Assuming that it might possibly be detrimental (although there is no proof) do you think it would matter regarding the longevity of any component of the cooling system? Or would those components age and eventually fail anyway, due to eventual and inevitable age and mileage?
To quote from one of your sources of wisdom:
"My choice for my 928's radiator is Texaco DexCool and distilled water.
If you want to use distilled water, run the hose from your home air conditioner condensate drain into a clean jug, then filter it with a clean coffee filter. Dehumidifier condensate works well also.
That is NOT
distilled water! It's BS mixed with ignorance. Maybe we should consider calling it "holy water", because it's based upon belief, not fact.
Hey, if I were in the business of selling and marketing distilled water (or blogs based on misinformation, or promoting urban legends), I'd want everyone to believe and buy it, too!