There is since short a brand new gasstation down the road. A bit closer to home then the one i use normal. Both are on the way to work. So i drive past it. It filles up slower then the other stations. I filled it up to the same level as always. But it is only 69l. Instead of 71-72l... So calculations are made.
I finally broke the
1300km on one tank
5,3l/100km for 1304km with 69,17l.
After the weekend. I aim going to make an upper grill blok. Somehow. Stil dont know how to do it :P
Drive smart, save fuel, save money, spare the enviroment
But keep having fun!
I can drift
Previous car. SUV. From 2011
+ 10l/100km to 2017
2017 without holiday:
EPA Rated average: 8,1l/100km
Current ride: plug in 285hp hybrid
EPA Rated average: 2,8l/100km