Hi Ecomodders!
So you are probably wondering how you could save hundreds in one day, simply by modifying you're driving style? Well I will tell you! First off I am 20 years old and as do most 20 year olds I enjoy the right pedal more than the left...if you know what I mean LOL So before I started hypermiling there was this nice straight stretch of road that almost every time I would drive down I would mash the gas a just have fun pulling to 80-90 mph. So yesterday I was driving home after going to some friends house, and I turned onto this same piece of highway and slowly accelerated to 52 (speed limit is 55) Well this old habit came into the back of my mind and I started thinking about pulling 3rd gear to 6000 rpm just for giggles...and then I thought...I have been driving smart for 20 minutes and I don't want to mess up my trip FE so I decided to cool it and just DWL down the highway.....right after I decided to cool it....a cop car passed me in the left lane....:0 If I had punched it I would not only have gotten the ticket...I would have felt so stupid.
Thanks to Ecomodder i still have a perfect driving record! Thanks all!