Originally Posted by pgfpro
Thanks again!!! So now I kind of know what I should be looking for.
Do you for see any problems of not running the water pump when I'm just driving around on the streets and trying to get the best gas mileage?
My pump gasoline tune will only be around 14psi on the LP turbo, but for the most part I will never even get into boost.
As long as your not in the boost you don't need to run the pump. Just keep in mind that the bilge pumps aren't real happy about hot water. They weren't designed for that. If you do run a bunch of boost and really heat soak the water it could kill the pump. That said a pump that will deal with the heat well and pumps a good volume of water will set you back $500. You could smoke 4-5 Rule pumps before you got to that threshold.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to put the pump on a hobbs switch so it comes on automatically at 10psi. They are cheap.