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Old 10-30-2014, 10:48 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chrysler kid View Post
I noticed trying to remove the front wheels that the tires will spin even while in gear. I also noticed that the car will roll down the hill slowly while in gear without the ebrake on. My camaro never does that, is that a sign of a weak clutch?
It might not be the clutch. It could be the engine is rotating. A little seepage past the rings, or past the valves, would allow the pressure in the cylinder to bleed off and the car oh so slowly migrates down the drive. At the much higher operating speeds - and with fresh oil getting to them - the rings and valves would be just fine while the engine is running, but just sitting with static pressure on them, they do leak down.

Quarter-million miles. Is that the original engine? I wouldn't be shocked if the rings and valves bled a little pressure over time.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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