Originally Posted by richierocket
He now has a small car and a trailer. Isn't that a better than keeping the truck? (See title of this thread)
Not necessarily, depending on the cost of the truck. See above for all the reasons that having two vehicles might be an even better solution.
Kudos to you for finding a great solution for your requirements! I guess we'll have to disagree...
I see people commuting alone everyday in giant 300+hp SUVs!
People with families can't get by with a 2 person Insight, as you do...
Am I the only one who sees a logical contradiction here? As in the family might be better off with 1 Insight for the single-person commute, plus a van for hauling the family.
I put snow tires on my Sonic and it does fine in the snow where I live and the roads I drive on.
I guess you don't live where I do :-) Around here, a lot of the non-main roads don't see plows that often. Even in town, after a big snow (which might not happen every year), a good many residential streets will wait weeks before being plowed - or melting, whichever comes first :-)