Originally Posted by vrmouseyd15b
 Ha ha! Put that on top of the air dam, and that's almost an hour with paint.
You don't want me in your body shop, OG! 
Haha! Actually, I think it looks pretty mean! I rather like the "exposed screw threads". Gives it kind of a ...Frankenstein appeal!
Originally Posted by Baltothewolf
Have you tried heating it up with a heat gun? Not sure if it would work for composite but, it worked on my plastic lawn edging (somewhat).
I love your work, please continue giving us updates!
Thanks so much friend! I'll certainly keep posting here. I really appreciate the feedback and continual insight/ideas I get from all on this site.
I have def thought about the ol' heat gun trick. Not sure how much plastic is in this material though...it almost feels like their is a bit of wood/pulp mixed in...Very strong material!
I've thought about water soaking + heavy weights/bricks/books on top for a week or so. Maybe even steaming with an iron?!