Thanks so much with the design help! My buddy is installing the outlet for my welder this weekend, so should be well on my way in the next few weeks. I checked out the 3/4 inch angle iron last night and decided it is more than strong enough.
Bob, I am just curious about how you latch the wedge shut, I tried to look closely at the pictures, from what I can tell its just a hole in the 3X3 and in the wedge in which you put a pin through it? And is there a specific type of hinge you feel I should use for the top or would a regular door hinge work from home depot. I checked grainger but cant seem to find what fits your description.
We shall see how this model works and maybe in the future I will weld one up in aluminum and add in smooth edges, however can not afford that at the moment money and time wise. Surplus steel is pretty much the most I can afford.