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Old 11-05-2014, 10:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: NW Ohio, United States
Posts: 2,025

Silver Flea - '05 Honda Insight
90 day: 58.96 mpg (US)
Thanks: 994
Thanked 402 Times in 285 Posts
I need help with my camera and monitor setup.

I have searched here and, but have not found an actual explanation on how to install this.

I have three monitors, and three cameras.

I am thinking to connect the rear view camera to the day time running lights, so one twist on the Insight will turn them on.

My first mild concern is hooking up to the front. Does anyone have a clear and idiot proof way for me to turn the three monitors and two cameras on in the front?

Also, these are cheap low power units, but what should I do about a fuse? Do others use them? None of the builds I have seen have progress- just
1) idea
3) profit!

The build itself, install of everything, is fine. Its the simple electronics.

I apologize for the issues with this message, but I am mobile, and EM could definitely use a mobile friendly application....hint lol


Best Tanks:
Mustang - 54.83 mpg (US) at the Green Grand Prix
Insight - 82.91966 mpg (US) over 818.5 miles.
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