Robert (Sheepdog44) points to our destination, Mount Greylock, visible from Pontoosuc Park where we met to start our run. Greylock appears smaller in the photo but is in fact the tallest mountain in the area. The one to the left, with the steep left slope, is closer, so appears larger in the photo. The return trip from the peak was about 13-14 miles. Not a straight line of course, but that gives you some idea of the distance from our start to the distination.

Here we are, ready to depart Pontoosuc Park. Robert (Sheepdog44) by his red Insight, Alex (Formula413) by his Civic Hybrid, and me behind the camera. You can see my lightly modified Accord.
We stopped at a scenic pull-over location, about 2/3 up the mountain. It was a gray drizzly day but we had a nice view from this location.
At the summit. Behind us is the base of the summit tower. Photo by a helpful stranger. Unfortunately the focus is on the tower; we look a bit fuzzy.
Summit lodge and tower. You can see, the summit is heavily fogged over.
A closeup of a terrain model of the area, located at the summit.
It was very windy, apparently not uncommon up there. The porta-potties are secured by more than their own weight. Just so you know, this is a serious hill.
A closeup of the summit tower, taken when we had a slight break in the cloud cover. You can see the light in the tower.
High altitude flora near the summit.
This is the view from the summit, towards the valley below. "What valley?", you say? It was there - through the fog that was the only distance view visible from the summit!