Glad to see you on Ecomodder, Tygen

Sir, I must say that you have been a pivotal piece of inspiration for my project. I was fully satisfied topping out my FE @ 37-38 mpg before I read of your success and decided that I could do that. I thank you for all you have done in regards to showing what is capable with an ATX

Call me a Tygen1 fanboy lol!
But... I fully expect to exceed you by a long shot
You can tell from the log that it look me a month to top 45. Success has come rather quickly, but I have the goal of competing with Echo-Troll and Basjoos! My routes are great, mostly country roads and secondary state roads. No heavy traffic, minimal stop lights and signs and some hills to allow Engine-On-Coasting. And yes, I have read your work... very extensive! It is saved in my bookmarks.
Wheel skirts and wheel covers should be going on this weekend, along with a partial front belly pan
Boat-tail will come over Christmas break