Do you plan on maxing out aero-mods or have you considered lean burn?
I am considering both of them, the maxed-out aero AND lean burn

So I will have a Ford Escort VX
Btw, I made it as high as #4 on the % over list :-)
That is swweeetttttt!!! Giving me some hope!
Engine-on-coasting has been a huge contributor to my increases in FE. I am looking into several things right now... such as a resistor in the IACV so that the amount of fuel injected in idle will decrease substantially. Right now, I idle while coasting at 0.25 gal/hr. So 150-225 mpg is the norm. I'd love to see 300-500 mpg
Also, have you ever heard of deleting two valves (1I, 1E) per cylinder? I read about it somewhere on a 16v Honda motor... and it helped FE! Probably hurt power... but that's overrated