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Old 11-14-2014, 07:58 PM   #34 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Originally Posted by Fat Charlie View Post
They already know. In case they weren't actively watching us because of all the militia talk in the past, I've gone ahead and reported all of us.

If you're really concerned about coming to their attention and want to keep a low profile, here's a handy list of tips:
You May Already Be an FBI Terror Suspect: 85 Things Not to Do

I'm guessing that link is a trigger itself !
Just as FaceBook is like 1984 - everyone fills out their own profile for Big Brother.

When I was younger, I though it was a crazy idea that somehow your every move and action would be known by someone. The impossibility of it all was laughable. As if the government or some other organization could hire enough people to track every person in the US.... but here we are today with everyone willingly inputting the data into the collective mind of the internet.
Its called FaceBook and Twitter.

A guy i work with gets so annoyed with this twits tweets to him ( who cares that you just walked into the mall or whatever ) that he swore to me he would tweet back to her to let her know he was taking a dump.

Oh, and about the earlier thing i mentioned about the speed of sound and such, yes i realize that mach one fluctuates with altitude and other variables, but the point i was making was that this was the number that i read as a kid and i remember it to this day, yet cant remember five minutes ago if i get in anxiety under stress.

And finally to get back onto the original topic, here we go :

But seriously, i thought we were talking about MEDICAL problems related to this subject ( of which anxiety and back pain certainly are ! )
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