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Old 11-16-2014, 05:27 PM   #38 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Originally Posted by dirtydave View Post
Woah woah woah WOAH This thread is about weed.

Let's stay on topic here!

The side effects of weed are happy, sleepy, hungry.
What's the side effects of those pills? Death possibly? Probably.
Going by what little I know of it, pot has the side effect of making you 'spaced out'.

Besides anxiety and depression, I also have a huge problem with concentration ( Sound like ADD ? )
I would think that medical marijuana would make this even worse though.

I was just looking at 'study drugs' like Rittilin or this other one i cant think of adderol or something like that. A girl at work takes them and says they are habit forming and can mess you up.
I read that the long term effects of these study drugs is also not known.

How habit forming is the legal marijuana ? As i mentioned previous, i couldn't give a crap about the 'high' and just want to be rid of my anxiety. ( And would prefer it without the high )

Is legal pot messed with ( can you get side effects from it like a factory drug )

This is a really taboo topic for a car forum. I'm sure Darin would be in agreement there ! Where else should i take these questions ?

I'm part of a Social anxiety forum. I'll start posting there. My anxiety gets worse and worse each year. I hope the topic is not taboo there too. ( I haven't posted there in about two years. )

Back to the back problems, have you guys tried those machines that let you hang upside down to decompress the back ? The majority of my back problems are in my neck ( fused and twisted vertebrae ) and i have shrunk over an inch in the last few years.
So to extend my bones out there i would have to hang myself

Edit : O.K. end of topic for me - I'm moving over to a forum on Social Anxiety.
From what I have read, some strains of pot can be good for anxiety, while others actually make it worse. I doubt insurance covers it anyways. Good luck guys and let get back to talking about ecomodding !

Edit : As promised, i'm not posting in this thread again, but sidestepping it a bit to add that i recently found my old meds. They are called Sertriline, and i'm thinking of going back on them.
The depression is really hitting me hard lately.
You know what really sucks is to realize that you have been so afraid of living life that you end up keeping yourself from living life.
You wake up one day and realize that the things you planned to do when you began to live life are no longer possible because you are now old.
You blew your chance at life and now its too late.
I'm my worst enemy and i have been keeping myself a captive of my own mind.
Will i get back on the meds ? Most likely not.
I'm just waiting to die.

Last edited by Cd; 11-29-2014 at 04:19 PM..
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