Originally Posted by undeRGRound
Such cap banks already exist, with varying voltages and capacitance. Not CHEAP, however. A current limiting controller between the battery and caps would keep the caps from "putting a hurt" on the battery bank if thecaps were depleted after heavy acceleration  A capacitor's ability to deliver current is matched only by it's ability to suck it up!
A current limiting controller... a resistor?
Would this cap bank be just like the controllers existing caps only with a larger capacity?
This could help with acceleration, the caps could provide more amps than the batteries which would be good. But to do it they would have enough charge in them, but what if it was regen and the caps were nearly full. The regen would have to go to the batteries.
So the controller would probably have to keep the cap bank at half charge so that it could give the controller amps or receive regen amps.
That's a lot of capacitor capacity.
Or maybe it could be a regen only setup where the regen went to the cap bank and the cap bank slowly (relatively) put this charge into the batteries so the cap bank would then be empty. Ready to receive the next bit of regen.
How much regen is lost due to the batteries not being able to take the charge quickly enough?
I thought the low regen return when slowing down compared to the charge used to get up to speed was due to an inefficiency in the induction motor. The motor being designed as a motor not a generator and so there were compromises. But then i have never researched it, it was just an assumption.
So a Li-ion battery pack would have a different regen capability compared to a lead acid battery pack on the same motor?