Another win for the idiots.
Birk1 comes on the forum making a reasonable inquiry. The lot of you do your usual. Your high school arguments about combustion efficiency are bandied about and the thread devolves into nothing and is closed by the Mods.
Some of you made fair warnings to Birk1 and the thread was moved to the Corral as it should be because of the topic content, but just as always, you go too far as a group. Shame on you.
I made an example of a thread by poor T vago that illustrated the simple idiotic tactics that are often used, knowingly or otherwise to derail a thread. His thread was sound and had value. But it does not matter. Attack, undermine and flood with hack chatter and the original thread is destroyed.
You did the same. Yes, we know scammers often come on here and peddle their wares and I am among the first to chase him off. But, you guys don't stop there do you? Anyone who makes mention of HHO gets lambasted by the same old tired arguments. And they are old and tired. And the Mods don't help by simply closing the thread. That is exactly what the idiots want and you play into their hands.
It is only common courtesy in everyday life to discuss within your abilities and knowledge base. When I bring my father in for his cancer treatment and care, I bring my older brother along. I have designed medical imaging devices and I was part of a team that brought advanced ( for the time ) radiation therapy to the fight against cancer. But, when the discussion turns to the workings of the human body my knowledge becomes limited and my language becomes inadequate. That is why I bring my brother along. He has that medical background and experience. He understands intrinsically the language they use and they appreciate speaking with one of their peers instead of having to dumb down for the "engineer". I pretty much just shut up and listen in as best I can when we go in for these consultations. I do that to be courteous and to facilitate getting to the answers.
The topic of HHO is much the same way. It has it's hacks and quacks pushing this and that. But I have put forward a scenario where a small amount of HHO could affect combustion in a positive way. It has it's own set of concepts and language that is beyond common understanding but this does not negate the fact that it is based on tried and true mainstream science that is used in the field in question.
The application of thermodynamics to thermochemical combustion reactions is found as an elective in many upper level curriculum around the world and extended by avid graduate research. It is a constantly growing field.
If you have a good understanding of the field, please chime in. If not, please be courteous.
If you have struggled through your own HHO build and found gains or losses or nothing at all, that has value too. Add your experience to the pot of knowledge. If you have not built one, please be courteous and refrain from interjecting "expert" advice.
The bottom line is simple. And I state it again. Let people make inquiry and experimentation on HHO devices and installations so that we as a community may have clear cut answers to the others looking in.
Birk1, I invite you to make another inquiring post if you can forgive the dysfunction in these forums.