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Old 11-25-2014, 06:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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There have been a few honest inquiries about HHO and vapor carbs.

Originally Posted by 2000mc View Post
i think this is central to the HHO discussions, but i'm looking in a different direction. There are many threads here on various builds, either on a whole vehicle, or on a particular modification. Within these threads the build might be talked through step by step, pictures taken, results and testing methods posted and discussed, how and why they succeeded or failed. The builds and the people who make them are like an open book.
Are there any builds like this here that i am missing? It seems more often there are not builds, but a few claims, which seem to be all very secretive for some important yet unverified reason. Modifications previously accepted here as legitimate will be backed up time to time by a new member sharing their success. Despite the prevalence of HHO talk, somehow random outsiders never seem to find their way here to talk out the success of their build.
Some of them have builds. They all meet the same end. A closed thread because of idiotic interjection.

I would like to see Birk1 reveal more of his build and see what he has done. But, I would not blame him for leaving considering the reception this forum gives any HHO subject.

I have been on these forums since it's inception with differing accounts as I was on the development team for an Xprize entrant as the engine specialist. Back then the forum paralleled the Xprize and was a vibrant and accepting place. I even met many posters face to face. There was a higher degree of courtesy and professionalism. Jory Squib, builder of "Moonbeam" and a physicist was energetic and engaging. Wind him up and let him go! I learned much just listening to a fellow who preached and lived his message of economy. I spent an afternoon with Nancy Hazard an organizer of the Tour Del Sol and the Xprize. I learned of her vision and wish for the better place we could leave for our children. I had dinner with Jack McCornack and absorbed his ideas of building smaller, lighter and more economical. I looked at his work and he looked at mine. I marveled at his building of Max his Xprize entrant. He bluntly scoffed at my installation of an HHO device and simply said "those things don't work". It did not offend me and I still hold him in esteem for being the crafty and savvy builder that he is. Ernie, another physicist from Colorado who posted a theoretical paper about the application of the Atkinson cycle to the diesel engine cycle was blunt in his doubts the electrolytic products of water could make a difference when made on board a vehicle. All of them were courteous enough to refrain from continued bashing or interjections when the subject matter strayed outside their base of knowledge. That does not happen here. Everyone is an expert and has a say in any subject they can Google.

I have a build. I finally got permission to reveal the work I did for a development group concerning hydrogen augmented combustion in spark ignited gasoline engines the end of this September. I just cannot use the data gathered under their pay. It is theirs to use. The work was brief as it was quickly realized there is little market for an HHO device. A device that operates in the classically studied 4% hydrogen by volume or greater would be needed for any market acceptance. Thus, no work continued for HHO devices.

But, I can reproduce the work. Nothing stops me from doing so. But should I reveal it here where such a poison of opinion prevents anyone from getting very far before the thread is closed because of the usual ruffians?

I have my doubts. The forum has devolved into a shadow of what it used to be. And I have my day job finishing the development of a hydrogen generator with a couple orders of magnitude more capability than the HHO devices seen on YouTube. Nothing magical. Just good engineering applied to well known science principles ( in the subject matter ). Just watch, the naysayers will jump in a say "prove it, prove it, prove it".

Because they are experts in the field and because they can.
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