I appreciate your post.
You bring up the problem one runs into in research using the web. There is overwhelming data, and the attempt to digest it results in mental indigestion.
That is why I propose we do our own research. If we had a few posters who had builds and could be teachable, maybe we could collaborate to answer some questions. But, we never get there. The usual tired arguments are thrown like dung at the thread.
You must remember that science also has it's stigmas and mental pitfalls. Academia may not see the value in HHO research and that is understandable. But, there is talk of research into hydrogen seeding effects since this could be valuable to HCCI (homogenous charge compression ignition ) research. There has been research to the effects off small ( parts per million ) amounts of ozone seeding. I will have to look for an active link to that conclusion. Simply put, 40 ppm could accelerate combustion. In HHO, we always forget that the other compound , oxygen, is often not pure and contains a small amount of ozone.
There is some evidence for HHO interaction. It is often found in eye opening claims results. I have tried to chase down some of these claims and looked into the engine and setup to attempt to divine what, if anything is going on. I have come to the conclusion certain conditions must be in place for HHO to have a useful effect and some installations just happen to have those conditions so the installer claims success and thinks he can sell the device to everyone - with mixed results.
Since academia does not provide us a clear picture of HHO, we must make our own postulations based on good, clear science and then test accordingly.