Originally Posted by BamZipPow
Never been a fan of piano hinges especially fer things that have a potential flex as the piano hinge flexes, it will start to bind. I've used normal hinges and taped the gap seams with Tyvek tape to keep the gaps covered up while it still allows flexing/pivoting. 
You're thinking of the cheap, steel, light duty piano hinges sold at the big box home improvement stores. If you look at the range of piano hinges available at McMaster-Carr, you will find mil-spec, stainless, aluminum, titanium, load-rated piano hinges in many thicknesses and widths. I have piano hinges mounted as the hinge point on the top of my wheel well covers where they have been serving for years without trouble.
For the boattail bottom extension, I'm thinking about using coroplast for the flexible sides rather than aluminum sheet. This dispenses with the need for piano hinges and, as my side skirts have proven, coroplast can flex numerous times without fatiguing. Just need to keep paint on it to keep solar UV from damaging it. Although I might want to experiment with using white elastomeric coating rather than paint to protect from UV. Around the farm I've been using it successfully on those gray tarps to extend their life. They normally last about 6 months in the summer sun, but I have a coated tarp in use that's lasted a year so far.
I've got a design worked out. Now just need to source the parts and find the time and weather (I'm working outside) to implement it.