That's $31.86 for 137 kWh in 49 days, an average of 2.80 kWh a day, at $19.51 for a month. That's actually quite a low usage per day, and the rate seems a bit high.
My electric use is quite frugal, 2.26 kWh per day the last billing cycle, and 2.48 kWh a day a year ago. I generally use two 7 watt lights in the evenings, and a 2 1/2 watt light that stays on all night on the other side of the house, so I can see when I get up at night. I leave on four 7 watt and two 2 1/2 watt lights if I'm gone for awhile. I'd like to use timers but they cost too much.
I personally think seven 23 watt bulbs is too much electricity. Is there a fridge, freezer, a/c, furnace or any other appliance that is on? Modern frigerators use quite a bit of electricity.