for me the "aha" moment was when I used a 3 phase source with a 3 phase rectifier (like doing a maze in reverse). I selected 3 sine sources that had ~213v phase2phase here (individually 176v peak). As you can see, the "bus" voltage is 300 volts, representing a 300v battery, and the phase to ground voltages (red blue cyan) are what needs to come out of the igbts (and is one of the svpwm waveforms, NOT spwm). And most importantly, the phase to phase voltage (purple) is 600 volts peak to peak (and ltspice is awesome

So the phases are pretty much fully reversed with the SVPWM pattern.
Unfortunately that 300v peak purple line 2 line is still ~213vrms (i.e. 208v industrial motor at rated voltage).