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Old 12-11-2014, 10:09 PM   #101 (permalink)
vrmouseyd15b's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: quad cities illinois/iowa border
Posts: 520

skidmark - super snail - '89 honda civic wagon WAGOVAN
Team "Old SKOOL"
90 day: 30.87 mpg (US)

Pituca - '19 Honda Insight Touring
90 day: 39.34 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 178 Times in 139 Posts
Originally Posted by Gasoline Fumes View Post
It's on the way!
Thank you so much!! Good man! I can't wait more pictures when it comes - the passenger mirror can come off NOW!!!

Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
Yeah, but how does it feel when VTEC kicks in yo?
I wish. there's no vtec here, still running the 1989 head. the only reason it looks different is that I've sandblasted the valve cover and knocked 25 years of dirt, oil, and grease off that motor and tranny - literally

no vtec, and the original head kept the "band-aid motor" fairly simple to just throw back into the car. the only difference in wiring from the two motors is that I didn't tap the opening on the back of the block for the coolant temp. sesnsor like in '89. I went the easy route - using the stock '95 location, right by the mechanical thermostat, and using the '95 coolant temp. sensor. The only wiring modification was to extend the wiring from the old sensor location on the back of the block to the new spot, by the thermostat. Didn't even have to cut the factory harness!!

In my "infinite wisdom" I may have these two backwards, but this is the '89 block for sure - note the holes from the broken rod at cylinder one:

so the wiring for that sensor got moved to this location, since it was available and easier than drilling and tapping the block. That's because after 91, they left the blank for that sensor on the back of the block untapped, and moved it here (this isn't the block in Skiddy now, this is a d15z1 {VX BLOCK} it will be the bottom half of my turbo mini-me):

That said, Skiddy's current motor is a "mini-me" (d16z6 block and d15b2 head - all stock), and it does have a little "surge" to it, at about 2500 rpm's, but she is by no means fast this current setup is a low compression "dog" ran a quick check:

But it does go down the road in style



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