Originally Posted by wmjinman
A ScanGuage should work on a 2000 year model. 
I think that a Scan/Ultra Gauge is not an adequately accurate or applicable instrument for getting test results.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that S/U G both derive fuel consumption information mostly from airflow data, then a some math based on engine size, sensor flow, an assumed air fuel ratio checked by O2 sensor data. Not by directly measuring fuel delivered to the engine.
Replacing some of the intake air, and burning fuel that is not on average close to gasoline is may provide a potential instrumentation errors.
Doing tank to tank gives too much noise unless the results are large.
This leaves small fuel cell, or MPGuino(or other duty cycle monitoring device) for accurate fuel metering for testing. A fuel cell works due to it's small size and the ability to accurately measure the consumption from it. MPGuino works because it is measuring the amount of time the injectors are open, and multiplying that by the rate of flow.
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