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Old 12-13-2014, 09:43 PM   #105 (permalink)
vrmouseyd15b's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: quad cities illinois/iowa border
Posts: 520

skidmark - super snail - '89 honda civic wagon WAGOVAN
Team "Old SKOOL"
90 day: 30.87 mpg (US)

Pituca - '19 Honda Insight Touring
90 day: 39.34 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 178 Times in 139 Posts
great day today! interior blank off came in from Gasoline Fumes just as I was "googling" how to take the window cranks off the door so I wouldn't break them!

This is Skiddy's first ecomod, so....

Interior door panel (before):

got the door card off and pulled the mirror:

Then to cover up that nasty hole:

same idea inside:

Looks great, fits like a glove, good as 1989! Big thank you again to Gasoline Fumes

So this is the "delete pile"so far- one complete passenger mirror, one compressor and mounting bracket, exhaust mani heat shield, some refrigerant lines, a few mud-flaps, assorted clamps, the intake snorkel that runs across the radiator...

The delete pile will start to pile up before too long

After getting the mirror done, we went out for dinner and found the rear hatch lift supports came in today too! bonus!

That will be in the next post.


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OG VX (12-14-2014)