Where would you guys recommend that I look for an
affordable web site service that is easy to set up and edit ?
It will be an art site, so i need to be able to add lots of images and be able to remove an image and update it easily, since i sometimes update my art after i post it.
Currently, i have a Blogspot page, and a large part of it is Flash.
I'm finding that it doesn't show up on cell phones - even Android phones, which i though were ok with Flash.
I have a lot of varied styles, and a lot of it is what sells - bright colored simple pet portraits, so i'd rather not link to it here
It's not what i like on
my wall, but it is what people will buy....if I can ever just get it out there to the masses !
I did this painting, and it's more my personal style, versus the florescent pink poodle art :