Originally Posted by jamesqf
I've had plenty of them try, though. Car salespeople, insurance agents, stockbrokers... And that's just the low end, retail end.
Indeed, I have to admit to a certain prejudice in the other direction, as my automatic first reaction is to distrust anyone wearing a suit.
All of your examples are of covert exploitation. Overt exploitation is someone holding a gun to your head as they empty your pockets. Covert exploitation involves the pretense of a relationship while emptying your pockets.
The overtly acting person says I'm taking your money because I have the gun, and the covertly acting person says I'm taking your money because its in your best interest.
I've been robbed by both kinds, and find it equally despicable. I have been told by a plainly dressed woman that she needs a quarter to make a phone call to get home, only to find out that she has lied to me when she goes to the next person and tells the same lie. I have had an insurance agent wearing the finest suit tell me for years that I have the lowest possible cost insurance and the minimum level of auto insurance, only to find out that I was sold double the minimum, at considerable economic strain on my part. No form of thievery is acceptable.